Lassen Municipal Utility District System Wide Outage Incident Resource Page (Archived)

Lassen Municipal Utility District System Wide Outage Incident Resource Page

Page created: July 19, 2021; Last Updated: July 21, 2021

At approximately 7:00pm on Sunday, July 18, Honey Lake Power (HLP) experienced an equipment failure causing a system-wide outage for Lassen Municipal Utility District (LMUD). Due to wildfires, LMUD had been receiving power from HLP since July 13. (Source: LMUD)

About the Honey Lake Power Plant: The Honey Lake Power Plant is a net 30 MW woody biomass electrical generation facility located approximately 20 miles east of Susanville in Lassen County California. Greenleaf Power acquired HLP in 2010. HLP utilizes a Zurn travelling grate wood fired boiler and General Electric steam turbine generator. The boiler is equipped with multi-clones and an electrostatic precipitator for particulate control, ammonia injection for NOx control, and sodium bicarbonate reagent for sulfur dioxide control. Each year HLP burns between 150,000 and 200,000 tons of woody biomass from the following sources: forests derived fuel, urban wood waste, and sawmill byproducts. Additionally, the project uses geothermal groundwater from local wells to preheat its boiler feed water, reducing the plant’s consumption of biomass.  (Source: Greenleaf Power)

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