California Resiliency Alliance’s Dynamic Distribution List
The California Resiliency Alliance (CRA) uses a dynamic distribution list based on member profiles to help align communications with member interests. Some members select only a few areas of interest while others select everything. The CRA tries to control email volume and for those who select everything will receive on average about 3-6 emails per week.
Overview of the types of communications the CRA shares and who receives them:
Regularly Recurring Communications
Monthly Infectious Disease Situational / Information Brief: This brief provides updates on various infectious diseases and is shared with members interested in infectious diseases.
Monthly Supply Chain Information Brief: This brief provides high level updates and overview of what is going on in the supply chain arena. It spans various industries and modes of transportation. It is shared with members interested in supply chains, fuel, food/ag, maritime, and/or transportation infrastructure.
Monthly Mini Exercise Scenarios Brief: This brief provides several mini exercise scenarios and a few accompanying thought prompting / discussion prompting questions for each scenario. It is shared with all members interested in exercises and those interested in any of the topics related to that month’s scenarios.
Monthly Wildfire Outlooks: This email provides summary excerpts from the National Interagency Fire Center’s Predictive Services’ four month seasonal wildfire outlooks and is shared with members interested in wildfires.
Weekly Wildfire Brief (seasonal): This brief provides a weekly snapshot of wildfire activity in the state for fire over about 150 acres. It is shared with members interested in wildfires plus any members interested in any of the counties with an active wildfire included in the brief.
Weekly Weather & Climate Outlook Brief: This brief provides a weekly weather outlook. The content vary some with the seasons, for example winter months include more focus on precipitation and low temperatures while summer/fall months include more on heat and high temperatures. The brief is shared with members interested in the weather related events of wildfires and storms/floods.
Drought Status Updates: Once a month the Weekly Weather Outlook Brief also includes a drought update. This update looks at current drought / water supply conditions in California. In addition to members who regularly receive the Weekly Weather Outlook Brief, this update is also shared with those interested in drought.
Non-Recurring Email Examples
Resource Collection and Information Briefs: These briefs bring together collections of resource and reference links around specific topics and are designed to support planning, preparedness, ad mitigation activities. They are shared with members interested in topics related to the focus of the brief. For example a resource collection brief focused on active shooter resources is shared with members interested in armed assailants while one focused on dams and dam failures was shared with those interested in dam failures, flooding, and.or water infrastructure; and an El Niño Southern Oscillation Information Brief was shared with members interested storms, wildfires, extreme, temperatures, climate change, and/or drought.
State of Emergency Proclamations: The CRA passes along these state level proclamations to members interested in State of Emergency Proclamations plus any members interested in any of the counties included in the proclamation.