CRA Brief – County Updates

Part of the CRA Briefs is a section providing updates on county plans and initiatives. This is from the brief shared on April 12, 2022.

Contra Costa County – Advisory Fire Commission: The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors is seeking individuals to serve as At Large or At Large Alternate members of the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District’s (CCCFPD) Advisory Fire Commission. The Commission is responsible for confirming cost of abatement reports; conducting weed abatement appeal hearings; approving surplus equipment declarations; reviewing CCCFPD operations and budget reports; and advising the Fire Chief on District service matters. Applicants must reside or work within the boundaries of the Fire District to be considered for appointment. Applications due by April 22.

Imperial County – Regional Active Transportation Plan Finalized: The county finalized its Regional Active Transportation Plan in February. This plan is a tool that will help the Imperial County Transportation Commission achieve short, mid, and long-term projects for walking, bicycling, use of public transit, and other related transportation modes.

Kings County – Regional Transportation Plan Update: Kings County is in the process of updating its Regional Transportation Plan. The plan discusses the major transportation issues in the Kings County region including state highways, transportation systems management, and transportation control measures. It is an accumulation of all the plans and programs adopted by the local agencies, including the cities of Avenal, Corcoran, Hanford, and Lemoore in addition to the unincorporated communities of Kings County.

Marin County – Housing and Safety Elements 2023-2031: The County is in the process of updating the Housing and Safety Elements of the Countywide Plan (the County’s General Plan). The Countywide Plan serves as the guiding vision for the future of unincorporated Marin. These Elements focus on housing needs and conditions, and climate change adaptation measures including wildfire, sea level rise and flooding concerns.

Monterey County – Emergency Operations Plan Adopted: The 2021 update of the County Emergency Operations Plan was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their March 1, 2022 meeting. Copies of the plan and annexes are available at

Sacramento County – Revised Final Draft of Climate Action Plan Presented at Board of Supervisors: On March 23 the revised final draft of the Climate Action Plan, and associated environmental document were presented at a Board of Supervisors workshop.

San Mateo County – Community Climate Action Plan Public Feedback Period: The Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP) is a strategic roadmap to guide unincorporated San Mateo County in preparing for climate risks and creating impactful greenhouse gas emission reductions. The CCAP is open for final public comment through April 29th at 5:00 pm.